Posted in Book Reviews

The Color of Our Sky (book review)

The thing about this book was that from the moment I read its synopsis to the moment I ended reading it, I got the vibes of The Kite Runner. Always. And because I know the whole story of Kite Runner, I kind of predicted the whole story from the beginning. I don’t know how to explain this feeling, but if you have read The Kite Runner, read this one, and you will feel the same.

The story is of two girls, one born in the city of Mumbai, Tara, who lives with her parents and the other born in a village, Mukta, daughter of a temple prostitute. Mukta’s mother wants her daughter to be away from all this rituals of their beliefs and since it has been going on from generations to generations, it gets hard for Mukta to escape from this kind of life. But, somehow, she ends up being taken away from her village to Mumbai, in the house of Tara. She lives there, learns how to read and write with the help of Tara and eventually they become best friends.

She lives 5-6 years there and her bond with Tara strengthens. But, still she couldn’t escape her undeserving fate. She got kidnapped, in front of Tara, that kept Tara unsettled for many years. The sudden turmoil in Tara’s family left everyone felt empty and thats when Tara’s father decided to move to America and for years Tara lived their, the ghosts of her past never leaving her.

Until one day, she realized what she has left behind and she has to come back to India to catch up with everything she missed. Everyday, some new secret unfolds and she is left with nothing and no one but a will to find her best friend back.

It’s a heart wrenching realistic book about the terrors and inequality of genders. It’s not just a story of Tara and Mukta but many many more who lose their lives or dreams just because they are girls. Just because they are women.

I rate it 4 stars⭐⭐⭐⭐ It’s a very sensitive topic about women and prostitutions. I would not recommend this to you, if these things trigger you. Other than that, its a great book to read and fall into the mystery of these characters.


An ordinary, nineteen years old, Pakistani student, studying in university who loves writing about things that matters to her, sometimes poetries and book reviews.

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